Tokyo University of the Arts
29 January – 03 February 2012, 9AM – 5PM
After more than a year of planning and two frigid months in the wood workshop, I proudly present my exhibition project “Misemono-Yatai” in this year's graduate show at Tokyo University of the Arts. The “Misemono-Yatai” is a mobile gallery for contemporary art. A hybrid between the traditional vehicle of a Japanese street vendor and a European cabinet of curiosities, it provides exhibition space for small two- and three-dimensional works by young Japanese and German artists. In close collaboration with local art institutions, the cabinet will be exhibited in several cities in Japan and Germany, both indoors in the gallery and outside in the public space.
The graduate exhibition marks the end of my scholarship period in Tokyo and my studies in Japan. Updates about the project will be published on this website.
2012 Graduation Works Exhibition
Tokyo University of the Arts (Ueno Campus)
Adresse: 東京都台東区上野公園12-8
12-8 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo